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Casino Night 2023

On behalf of myself and the Board, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dan Casciano and all the volunteers in making Casino Night a big success. With Dan’s leadership and his unbound energy Casino Night was executed flawlessly.

In 2016 I made a suggestion to the Board to have a Casino Night. Ellie Casciano, being part of the event committee, researched the equipment needed and wasted no time in ordering the necessary equipment for the event. CCC let us have the Activity room for the event. We had limited space therefore we were only able to accommodate 45 members. Sandwiches, desserts, coffee, etc., was served just outside the Activity room.  I was excited and impressed to see how far it has come from the small activity room to CCC main dining room, with 120 participants this year.

Proceeds will be donated  to a charity to be determined at a later date.

Dan has been coordinating Casino Night since its inception and the Board and I would like to thank Dan and all the volunteers who helped make the Casino Night a big success once again.

John Grassia

President (2015 2016-2017)

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