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Guest Policy

Many of you are asking if you may bring guests to our activities and events.

The policy for Club sponsored events held at Colonial Country Club or events where the Club is paying for the venue and/or food is:

Guests are always welcome. If the guest resides in Colonial Country Club they may attend as a guest one time. A guest fee will be charged.

If the same guest attends another event, they will be asked to join the Club by completing a membership application and paying the dues.

Guests who are visiting and staying with you are always welcome. A guest fee will apply.

Membership applications are available at all events.

The policy for “pay your own way activities”, i.e., theater outings, lunches, craft activities, etc., is a bit more lenient. Guests are always welcome, however, members have first rights to reservations. Guest reservations will only be taken if tickets are still available when the RSVP date is reached.

There are some events/activities that are Member Only. This includes Bocce, Annual Golf Outing, and Book Club.

Any changes to this policy will be provided at the time the event is posted.

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